Today on October 6, 2021, an award ceremony has taken place in Bishkek to give awards to the winners of two contests among journalists and bloggers “Life without stereotypes!” and “A successful rural woman”.
The contests were announced on May 26, 2020 by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the KR jointly with the UNDP and MFA of Finland project “Towards a sustainable access to justice for legal empowerment in the KR”.
“It is a good opportunity today to express our gratitude to the journalists and the bloggers, who together with us promote the topic of gender equality and raise the topic of disabilities to a new level. Your creativity changes human conscience and a person’s attitude to different things. We highly appreciate the enormous contribution of the journalists and the bloggers to development of the society and the country as a whole. On behalf of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and on my own behalf, I congratulate all winners and hope for further cooperation”, – Aliza Soltonbekova, the First deputy minister of health and social development of the KR, said during the award ceremony.
The main goals for organization of these contests are to assist in eradication of the negative stereotypes with regard to persons with disabilities and rural women, to expand the access to justice and legal empowerment and to create a positive image of persons with disabilities and rural women.
“The present-day conditions show that majority of persons with disabilities live and study in specialized institutions. They are treated as people, who always need help. We should change this outdated stereotype and change the conscience of the society. Our society should change its attitude from a medical approach to social and advocacy one, and eradicate the negative stereotypes with regard to persons with disabilities. The UNDP is also an active promoter of gender equality, supports the ideas of female education, entrepreneurship and creates equal opportunities to involve women in the public and political life of the country” – Erkin Kasybekov, the UNDP ARR for Programmes in Kyrgyzstan said at the award ceremony, – “Promoting the rights of vulnerable groups, creating for them all conditions for a full-fledged life and activity together with all others, we create a tolerant, self-sufficient, rich and inclusive society, where every person can be happy”.
“In order to take part in this contest, I have worked hard to create the images of successful rural women. I have met with many successful women. There are many women among us, who work and do not tell anybody about their achievements. They pull forward not only their families, but the society as a whole. Such images should be created as an example for others. I am grateful to the organizers of the contest, who have provided us with incentive and motivation to create such wonderful images of the rural women”, – Zhanara Sagyndykova said, a winner of the contest “A successful rural woman”, a correspondent of the Issyk-Kul media center.
“I have grown up in a society, where the stereotypes predominate. My older and younger sisters have vision disorders. In my desire to help them, I have taken decisions instead of them and interfered with their choice until a few years ago. Only recently I have realized that they are persons with full rights like me. It has come to me that disability is in my mind. Having analyzed the life of my sisters, I see that they have achieved great success. If we treat them without pity and compassion, not as persons with disabilities, but as personalities, we will make our and their life brighter”, – Sanzhar Eraliev shared his viewpoint, one of the winners in the contest “Life without stereotypes”, a journalist of “Azattyk Media”.
In total, 47 media materials have been submitted to the contest. The following winners have been announced by a decision of the Contest committee members:
“Life without stereotypes” contest among journalists:
1st place is taken by Gulzhan Turdubaeva, a photo journalist of “Azattyk” radio for her material “Паралимпиадага экинчи жолдомо уткан Арстанбек” – https://www.azattyk.org/a/arstanbektin-paralimpiadaga-dayardygy/31321787.html?fbclid=IwAR1eU4bgc0GNNq59A0h2JmSj1aj_8yYma1egv-APERF21xl1TvCKOHfq0eo
2nd place is given to Zhazgul Seidakmatova, a journalist of “ElTR” for her material “У. МУРАТАЛИЕВА: “МАКСАТТЫ ДЕН СООЛУККА БАЙЛАБАШ КЕРЕК” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59dYjGYKAP4
3rd place is taken by Meerim Asanalieva, an editor-correspondent of “ElTR” TV channel for her material ЧЕГИ ЖОК ЖАШООhttps://youtu.be/OlSqHYJDHKM
An encouragement award is given to Sanzhar Eraliev, a correspondent of “Azattyk” Media for his material “Мектеп кол жеткис кыял бойдон калды” – https://www.azattyk.org/a/nadira-lutsia-/31309146.html
“Life without stereotypes” contest among bloggers:
1st place is taken by Naryngul Bazarova for her material “Стереотипсиз жашоону жайылтууда ата эненин ролу” – https://www.instagram.com/p/CSmYjRFoCp5/?utm_medium=copy_link
2nd place is given to Kursanai Saipova for her material “НЕБЕРЕМ АТАЙДЫН САБАГЫ” https://www.instagram.com/p/CSdk7rmKRv-/?utm_medium=copy_link
3rd place is taken by Shabdan Zhakshybaev for his material “Life without barriers” https://www.facebook.com/100003545128448/posts/4005054722955992/?d=n
“A successful rural woman” contest among journalists
1st place is taken by Gulzhan Azhimatova, a correspondent of “AsiaTV” for a series of the materials
“Өзгөчө ишкердиктин түрү менен алектенген ишкер айым” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwqWBO6tl94
“Тоо туризмин өнүктүргөн ишкер айым” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sZ_BqEoM6c&t=4s
“Тоо койнундагы алгачкы бала бакча” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o60MPYd1HDE
2nd place is given to Zhanara Sagyndykova, a correspondent of the Issyk-Kul media center for her material “Уй шартында гул остуруп ишин жайылткан жаш ишкер” –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjm226BJo8Q
3rd place is given to Aizada Orunbaeva, a correspondent of “Piramida” TV channel for her material “Natural wool décor”. Women of Barskoon village send goods abroad https://youtu.be/Lmbyx4NwB-o
An encouragement award is given to Gulnaz Batyrbekova, a correspondent of the Talas media center for her material “Үйдө олтуруп эле торт жасап бизнес жүргүзгөн айылдык айым” https://youtu.be/ies2RiiFfHI
“A successful rural woman” contest among bloggers
1st place is taken by Bek Bekov for his material “Dreams like silence” https://www.instagram.com/p/CSmVe1Ts725/?utm_medium=copy_link
2nd place is given to Darikha Mambetova for her materials:
“Эмгекчил айым” –https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1267266890364047&id=100012422444513
“Кыздары кыйын кыргыздын” – https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1270970406660362&id=100012422444513
3rd place is given to Ainur Amankulova for her material “Рахмат сага жене” https://www.instagram.com/p/CSb7VlMoR6Y/?utm_medium=copy_link
An encouragement award is given Umut Aitbaeva for her material “Менин апам Айтпаева Гульзина Толобаевна Ийгиликтүү айылдык ишкер айым” – https://www.instagram.com/p/CSl2UAeMwtG/?utm_medium=copy_link
The winners of the contests are awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes: notebooks, mobile phones and book readers.
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