A step towards justice – a step in the right direction
Orok ayil aimak is located very close to Bishkek. It might seem the access to justice and legal opportunities of the residents of this municipality […]

Sign language to understand the world
Public Broadcasting TV and Radio Company (PBC) will start broadcasting evening news using sign language interpretation from August 2016. To implement this initiative the agreement […]

Investigations and trials in Osh and Jalal-Abad will have sign language interpretation
Participants of sign language courses with a legal bias have received their certificates. Sixteen trainees, who already owned the basics of the sign language, […]

Open Data: towards the transparent administration
Illustration: Mobile applications developed based on Kyrgyz Codes When it comes to discuss about “open data”, the majority of people usually ask numerous questions. They […]

Jamila and the strength of Kyrgyz women
Over ten years ago, for my birthday, my childhood friend Piero gave me as a present the book the “White steamboat” from Chyngyz Aitmatov. In handing me […]

Journalists will broadcast on violations of rights of vulnerable groups of citizens
3 February 2016, in Bishkek at the Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts named after Gapar Aytiev the ceremony of awarding winners of the Republican […]

If nobody respects the laws, why should I be the first one?
Civil society as a key tool for improving the Rule of Law The road to an effective Rule of Law in Kyrgyzstan and elsewhere is […]

Mimics and mood are the most important in sign language
This summer Misha Trifonov, the 8th grade student in a secondary school of Bishkek, graduated from five-week training courses for sign language interpreters. He became interested […]

A ramp to justice
A newly installed ramp at the courthouse. Credit: Meri Bekeshova / UNDP in Kyrgyzstan Kara-Suu district courthouse building in Osh oblast now has a ramp […]

Experts discuss access to justice for vulnerable people as part of the new UNDP project
Participants of the discussion. Credit: Meri Bekeshova / UNDP. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan – UNDP organized discussions to finalize the work plan of the new project “Widening Access […]